In these days when there was again a great crowd having nothing to eat, he summoned his students, and he said to them: |
"I have pity on the crowd, because they have suffered with me now for 3 days and have nothing to eat. |
If I release them fasting to their houses, they will pass out along the Way, and some of them have arrived from afar." |
His students replied: "How is he able to satisfy with the breads here in - this Wilderness?" |
He questioned them: "How many Breads do you have?" They said: "7." |
He then ordered the crowd to recline on the Way; and he took the 7 Breads, and after praising, he broke them, and entrusted them to his students; and they set them out for the crowd. |
And they had some tiny fish; and after praising, he said that these should be set too!. |
And they ate and were satisfied; and they took up the broken pieces that over-flowed, 7 caskets. |
There happened to be 4000. And he released them. |
Royden John Elson
Roy Elson