"The God of our Lord Teacher - Jesus Christ - the Father of the Glory of Divine intelligence may give you a spirit of wisdom, and the unveiling of His knowledge!" |
"Having the eyes of your mind enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling - what is the glory of His inheritence in the Holy ones." |
"And what the exceeding greatness of His Power toward us who believe according to that working of the strength of His Might which He wrought in Christ when He raised him out of the dead!" |
"According to the revelation he made known to me the mystery as I wrote before in short, whereby when you read and comprehend, you may perceive my understanding in the mystery of Christ, which in other generations was not made known until the Son of Man unveiled them with his Holy Apostles and the Spirit of the Prophets!" |
True revelation given through the hardship of scriptural learning and the uniqueness to whom it is given through much study in all things using the full Scriptures as a basis for all knowledge. The Parable of the Sower is one instance of many relating to the hardship of knowing the 'Word' through suffering the internal battle to cope with the harassment of divine learning. |
Royden John Elson
Roy Elson