"If I did not do among them the actions that no other has done, they were not having sin, and now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father, Your Teacher; but - that the Scriptures may be fulfilled that is written in their teachings: "'They hated me without a cause." And when the Comforter may come, whom I will send to you from the Father; the Spirit of Truth who from the Father does come into existence, he will testify of Me; and you also will testify, (what you have been taught) because from the beginning you are with me." |
"I have yet many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now; and when He may come - the Spirit of Truth - he will guide you to all the Truth, for He will not speak from Himself, but as many things as he will hear he will speak, and the coming things He will tell you; He will glorify me, because of mine He will take, and will tell you." |
Royden John Elson
Roy Elson