And God named the light as Day, and the darkness He named Night. And became evening and became morning - First day. |
And God said, Let there become a solid foundation through the middle of the waters, and lets differentiate the waters from the waters. |
The Firmament, or heaven as it is usually translated can easily be interpreted as a sheet, or a scroll with writing on it. The size of the sheet can be anything from a scrap of paper to a huge sheet as envisioned by the Prophet as 200x10 in size, the importance being that which is written on it? I use the solid foundation as a cube or sphere, something 3 dimensional as opposed to plain paper, or more appropriately - animal skin. The Jews wore a cube (Tfillin) on their foreheads to represent God's Word as being on the inside of the head as opposed to the outside. Shape matters, and as the ancient Greeks knew, only what is divine is perfect - so the cube and sphere are only forms and shapes on Earth representing what is Heavenly. The Scriptures are to be - according to God - buried deep (engraved) into the human conscience - something only accomplished by God - the Ark being the carrying of God's Word - the Autobiographical Scriptures of His Messiah sent to open the minds of His students to the Scriptures - that is Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms. The 'Beginning' is an account of the 'Creation' of human intelligence illuminated by the Tabernacle of God's teaching, and how the Divine teaches through His Tabernacle which - of course - is the human body after the likeness of the Lord Teacher - The Messiah. The Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, are only useful in a persons life if everything contained in them is fulfilled, in other words, the Scriptures are no good to anyone before they are born, and certainly useless after one is dead and departed from this World. To summarise this section, the Tabernacle and its furnishings, and the 'Creation' are both the same thing, but told in different accounts. |
And God patterned the solid foundation, and differentiated between the waters which are under the solid foundation and between the waters which are above the solid foundation. |
Royden John Elson
Roy Elson