The 4 rings here relate to the gold rings of the 4 'Heads' receiving Divine knowledge, the 4 levels of intellect that the mind is drawn upwards to. Everything in the Scriptures relate to one person being taught by God, therefore the 4 levels relate to the one person having his mind drawn upwards on different levels - one at a time according to where a person is in Christ. Moses name means to Draw out and upwards. Egypt is the present World we live in and the Wilderness is the place that a student of God is drawn out of this World and then his mind can be drawn upwards to the Divine levels.
It is important to realise that the previous paragraph relates to the first step. The 50 gold rings of the inner Tabernacle covering, (The Holy Spirit covering the 'Inner man'), are the 50 gold rings that cover the Student of Christ, and are tied by 100 blue cords, (music to the ears!) 50 on either side of the 50 gold rings. When the Scripture says that we are a Kingdom of Priests, (Apostle Peter),it is referring to those in the Wilderness of God, and serving Him there - until they have been fully trained in the Word of God.
The Firmament in Genesis is the line on which the Messiah walked on water. The 3 levels of the Ark are the waters divided, one on top of the other. The bottom ring is not pure gold, but a mixture of alloys meaning that it is similar to plaited bread - knowledge learned in this world twinned with the knowledge of the Word of God. The multi-colored and living Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms, is majestic, exciting, mind-blowing, and breathless, in fact - there is no other miraculous gift given to man. The
other 3 rings are on each level, not forgetting that the river has 4 heads, meaning that there is 4 levels that has to be taught man. The 1st level is where we stand on this earth, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th is when our minds are Raised. Instead of climbing mountains as in the Scriptures, there is a new and easier Way to God to be taught by Him. Our minds must be Raised up according to the level one is on in his study of Moses. The New Testament holds the Keys to this simplicity. For this reason the Messiah says:
"If you do not believe in Moses, you cannot believe in Me."
And again:
"Great is he in the Kingdom of Heaven who teaches Moses, than he who does not."
And again:
"I do not condemn you - Moses does!"
With practice, one will know exactly what level the teaching waters regarding Jonah was on. And of course, the Students of the Messiah went into 3 peculiar storms relating to levels that terrified the students close to death.
So the Firmament is a solid level in which faith is tested with levels of faith and knowledge, below and above the line according to the measure given by God.
To go under the line is the first baptism. John, (Yochanon), fully immersed those knowledgeable in Moses in the waters of the Jordan. Jordan means, 'The Descender,' 'He that goes Under from Above' meaning that the Messiah will come under and find you if you lose your footing - that is why He was baptised by John Himself. John was stunned when the Messiah told him to baptise him, and He replied that all righteousness must be fulfilled. This is because sin was not known at the time, people thought that breaking
the law was sin, in a way it is, but only if you are under the law. To be baptised for sin is to go on a journey under the water of teaching that is both thought provoking and mind boggling - at first. Everything that you have been taught by man is put under a microscope, and according to Leviticus, the scales come out. If all the intelligence of all the men that will ever be can be measured in a grain of sand, then God's intelligence is the sum total of every desert, and every sea shore on the planet. Where
mere man is restricted to his two dimensional vision, God can see 3 dimensionally and focus on trillions of focal points simultaneously. He can think infinite thoughts at once, and yet He lowers Himself to that of mere man. Ridding man of his vanity and greed is the tallest of challenges, even for God it seems, but the Christ says:
"All things are possible with God!"
It is the 1st level that one's mind is drawn up first in the MAP, but the flesh has to go down under to enable the mind to ascend. This is why there are only 4 levels, one's feet stays on the ground physically all the time, and it is the mind that is Risen upwards - 3 times. This is why it is impossible to find the Risen Christ unless one's mind has been Risen also. 2000 years ago it was impossible to have the mind to Rise unless there was a sacrifice to enable this to happen. Christ is the sacrifice enabling
that what was once a sure death, is now a new Way in which anyone called out of this world can meet the heavenly Risen Christ. The Risen Seed is intelligence given by God, but it has to be planted 1st under the ground - watered - and then Raised, but it is the water that is the teaching that proves whether this intelligence is true, or false, and thank God He has not only given us His Holy Word, but He has given us also the Author to open our minds to the MAP - and the Author is Christ!
Did Socrates ever meet a Hebrew Prophet? Plato does not mention it anywhere in his writings.
The 'Allegorical Wall' is the closest one will get to God's Way without having any knowledge of the Scriptures at all. Socrates 'Allegorical Wall' has one slope from the mental prison of this world to the Heavenly, but in the Scriptures - the MAP - there are 3 Ways made into one Road to God. The Scriptures alternate between ladders and steps. We have the writings of Josephus that enables us to go back in time to see what
was real then so that it can be applied today. Did you know that everything in the New Testament was staged by God? In fact, the New Testament has God as the Architect, Engineered by the Holy Spirit, and driven by the Messiah. The Messiah was the only person that knew what God was doing in the World, and because of this, proving that He had indeed the mind of God. Numerous times the Apostles remembered - after the raising of Christ from the dead - what the Messiah had told them relating to the Scriptures of the
things to come, and written about before time in the MAP, the Old Testament. Of course, it was not until the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the 50th Day, (Pentecost), that the Students received the revelation of the Genius Messiah.
The 50th Day, alongside the 7 weeks are part of the MAP. The reason for this is the fact that the Holy Spirit comes to teach by unveiling one's mind to the Scriptures, and if there are no Scriptures to unveil, then what is the point of God appointing the Spirit to teach what is not there.
Nowhere on this planet is it possible for any teacher to place a magic wand on someone and then that person suddenly knows all about mathematics, biology, physics etc. Just as we all have to learn through hard study the things in this world, how much more is it difficult to learn heavenly things. When the Messiah says, 'Hard is the Way to eternal life,' He really means it, and do not be surprised that you are under the Law - and not set free from it in Christ Crucified. To be set free from the Law is to
know what the Scriptures really mean, and in knowing the true meanings of the Law, then one can truly walk with God.
The commands of the Messiah are much more severe than that of Moses, but if one has the ability to discern the Scriptures Spiritually, then one will see and know their true meanings. God has no need of anything from anyone in this world, but He demands Faith - because He is the only one who can give it. How difficult it is to go through this life with the least possible means, and knowing that the talents that God has given you can make a vast fortune. No - we reject the temptations of this world and its
deceptions knowing that God has given us the ability to see and to know His Way through the MAP. We prove the existence of God by denying the temporal things of this world knowing that God is saving our true riches in Heaven. Time and time again the writers of the Scriptures emphasise the point of not saving riches in this world, but letting God save our riches in Heaven that are definitely permanent. True Salvation is simple - God gives you daily bread to not only teach you the Way to Himself through the MAP,
but to comfort you until you can resist the temptations by having the ability to stand on one's own two feet. God saves for me everyday, because I easily reject the riches of this world through Faith in Him, and this simplicity comes by much learning and experience in knowing His Holy Way through the Scriptures which are His Word.
The New Moon is when God instructs His glorious Patterns to be executed by His Spirit - the Pattern of the Tabernacle, the Ark and the Temple. To the Israelites, the face of Moses was likened to the Moon, and its waxing and waning to its alternating light given to the interpretation of Moses. If only they knew that just as the light itself came from the Sun - the true meanings are given by the Author - the Son of God. Now the New Moon is veiled in darkness, so where does it get its light from? Moses gets its light from the Son - the Author of the New covenant - the Rock that followed Moses - who is the Christ.
Royden John Elson
Roy Elson